July 27, 2005


Yesterday I got to go to Smiths Falls with my Josh since he had to write a test for a job he is hoping to get and hence I was not able to go to my usual WW meeting. Instead I decided to go on Monday and I was pretty excited cause I only had 1 pound to loose to get my awesome pewter keychain, which represents that you have lost 10% of your original starting weight...for me this is 37.5 pounds (but 22 since I started WW). They say that if you lose this much weight you have decreased your risk for many diseases by quite a substantial amount (In theory I have already reached this mark...but in the official ww records I have not)... So I was all excited when I went to the meeting, and I stepped on the scales, and I was only down 0.5 pounds...that 1 extra day may have been enough...stinking Mondays!

So I need to lose 0.5 pounds this week to get my keychain...very doable. I went to Macdonald's for fries and nuggets last night, I don't think that is going to help...but I just needed a grease fix ;) So the sail is set for a (rest of) week on track so that I can get the keychain. And then I am on my way to hitting the 40 pound mark. It would be great to be in Onederland (i.e. the 100's) by the time I go home at the end of August for a wedding...here is hoping!

July 22, 2005

July Challenge

I am going to participate in a challenge that a fellow blogger is giving herself. The goal...to do 1200 minutes of working out this month. I am a bit off track since I didn't do any gym for the 1-3 of the month, but we will see how I do...here she goes:

01/07/05 - None
02/07/05 - None
03/07/05 - None
04/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyPump)
05/07/05 - None
06/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyStep)
07/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyPump)
08/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyStep)
09/07/05 - None
10/07/05 - None
11/07/05 - 60 minutes(am-learn to run clinic...Loving It)
- 60 minutes(pm-BodyPump)
12/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyStep...new release holy frig was it awesome!)
13/07/05 - 60 minutes(am-learn to run clinic...didn't know I HAD that much sweat)
60 minutes(pm-BodyStep...I am so sore!)
14/07/05 - 60 minutes(pm-BodyPump)
15/07/05 - None (I wimped out)
16/07/05 - 120 minutes (am-BodyPump followed by BodyStep)
17/07/05 - None
18/07/05 - 60(tough)minutes (am-learn to run clinic)
60 minutes (pm-BodyPump)
19/07/05 - 45 minutes (pm - Body Step, had to cut it short for WW meeting)
20/07/05 - 60 minutes (am - learn to run clininc)
21/07/05 - 60 minutes (pm- BodyPump)
22/07/05 - None
23/07/05 - 60 minutes(am - running)
- 60 minutes (am -BodyPump)
24/07/05 - None
25/07/05 - 60 minutes (am - Running Clinic)
60 minutes (pm - BodyPump)
26/07/05 - None
27/07/05 - 60 minutes (am - running clinic)
(p.s. I bought new running outfit as a reward...it was on sale for a great price AND it looks totally cute on me!)
28/07/05 - 45 minutes (pm - run)
- 60 minutes (pm- BodyPump)
29/07/05 - None
30/07/05 - 40 minutes (am-run)
- 60 minutes (am - Body Pump)
31/07/05 - None

2310 down, I DID IT!!!!

July 21, 2005

Goal Rewards

So I have decided to set myself up with rewards for achieving small goals along the way on this adventure of mine. Thought I would share them with you:

Weight Lost Anticipated Date Reward
30 21-Jun New Gym Shirt (already done by the way)
40 23-Aug New Gym Pants/shorts
50 06-Sep Full Body Massage...ahhhhh
60 11-Oct New Gym Shirt
75 29-Nov Spa Day - Pedicure, manicure, facia...more ahhhh
85 03-Jan New Gym Pants/shorts
100 28-Feb Hot air balloon ride - Josh Promised!
Goal (115 lost)30-May $500 summer clothing shopping spree (bikini included)
Maintain 6 mos 30-Nov $500 winter clothing shopping spree

Anyone is welcome to come with for the shopping sprees..I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO BUY ANYTHING I WANT!!!!

Today can ONLY get better

Holy camole! Yesterday was an all around craptacular day. To start off with, after running (which was great) I went to work and prepared to get my shower...lovely convenience having a shower at work...and I realized that I forgot my brush. For you people out there that have lovely curly locks and don't require brushes...I wish I were you yesterday. Straight, tangley hair is not fun to deal with when you have no brush...I had it in a VERY MESSY pony tail all day. So that sounds kinda bad...oh wait it gets worse.

So I get out of the shower and deal with the messy hair and go to get dressed...looking forward to the fun outfit I had prepared for the day (consisting of clothes which I haven't been able to wear in 2 years, and yes they are still cool, or atleast I hope they are) when I realize...WTF?...Wait no....seriously?!? I forgot a freaking bra! Oh man! Well I had my sports bra...sweaty wet BLACK sports bra, and I decided that would have to do. I was lucky that I was wearing a shirt that didn't allow any sight of what was going on underneath it. So that is how the day started.

So how did it end? WORSE. I decided that I was not going to go to the gym after work yesterday cause my legs needed a bit of a break...plus I had gone running that morning. So I was on the bus on my way home by 4:30 (instead of the usual 6:30 or 7:00) and VERY excited about getting some cleaning done at the apartment and organizing the last few boxes of stuff. I get home and open my bag to grab my keys and it hits me...your keys are in the hoodie you wore to the gym this morning...which is on your desk! MOTHERF*&^$! So if this was a month ago, no big deal, I lived 5 minutes (walking) away from work. Now I live 30 minutes (by BUS) away from work...but I remember Josh is off work at 5:00 and he will be home soon...wow that was a close one, it would have really sucked to have to go all teh way back to town. So I resort to cleaning up the back yard (patch of grass) that has some nasty weeds and weird looking wrappers that blew in from neighbouring yards, and it hits me! JOSH HAS KARATE AFTER WORK...TILL 7:30....FRIG. He has a 1 hour break in between work and his class in which time he usually just sticks around the shopping area by his work since Karate is only steps away...so I jump on a bus and go to the nearest bus station with a phone and try to call the cell phone (cause it is now 5:20 which means he is done work)...DAMN IT the cell phone is not turned on. Now I have to decide if I go to find josh and get the car, or do I go back downtown and get my keys. I decide that I don't want to have to go back for josh when Karate is done...so back to downtown I go. I get my keys, hop on a bus, transfer busses (cause the bus that goes by my house stops running from downtown at 6:00) and get home at 7:20....so much for my relaxing evening...

On a happier note, Casey is still on Canadian Idol, and that made me happy! Yeah she wasn't fabulous on Tuesday, but she usually is, and she is just so darn loveable!

July 20, 2005

Running away the pounds!

Running on Monday morning was TOUGH! The humidex made it feel like 38 degrees at 6:30 in the morning AND the humidity was near 95%, making it difficult to be able to breathe...but I made it through! There was a girl that couldn't run the entire last bit, so I went back with her and ran at a slower pace so she didn't have to be alone. In about 3 minutes, two other girls joined us and we encouraged each other to push through it, it was great.

Today running felt awesome. We ran a total of 33 minutes, plus the stretching and walking warm up and cool down. Not to shabby for just 2 weeks of training...we rock! Last night at step class I was burning bad...I think I need to take a rest day tonight to give my legs a break. Usually in step I am breathing pretty heavy but my body feels fine, yesterday I seriously thought that I was going to break my legs were so tense. Probably should have done a bit of a warm up and some stretching first.

So last night was weigh-in at weight watchers. I decided to go back to the meeting that I started out on. Not sure if I mentioned it before but the leader at that meeting was awesome...he unfortunately had to stop being the leader because he got a new position at his real job and had to do a lot of traveling. So I was a bit disappointed that I wouldn't have his smiling face to encourage me. For the last 2 weeks I have been trying other meetings that fit my schedule a bit better to see how they worked out. The first week I went to a meeting close to my house, and the ladies there were almost all about 20 years older than me. Not that that is a bad thing, but I can't relate to them as much.

Last week I tried hitting the lunchtime meeting near work. Only 3 people (including me) actually stayed for the meeting, so it was really boring. Plus when you get rewards at certain weight loss levels, it is no fun if only 2 people see you get them...what can I say I love attention. So even though it meant cutting step class 15 minutes short, I decided to go back to the group that I felt really comfortable with. Crappy thing is...they changed the meeting time on me starting next week and it is earlier. If I want to go to this ww meeting, I have to miss step class all together (30 minutes just doesn't cut it). It usually wouldn't bother me too much to have a reason NOT to go to class, but the girl that teaches on Tuesdays is my favourite...and I will miss her too....ahh decisions decisions.

So, back to weighing in...I was really nervous because I have really been working harder than I ever have as far as the gym goes...and I was hoping to see results on the scale...plus I was getting close to my next 10 pound ribbon. I decided that I would be happy with a 1 pound loss, because it is a pound, and that is a lot of crap out of my body. I stepped up on the scale with my eyes closed, and when I opened them I almost wanted to cry.....in a good way though. 3.5 pounds gone! That put me over my next 10 pound ribbon and 1 pound away from my 10% goal that ww sets for you (they say that if you lose only 10% of your body weight you are already 50% healthier...or something like that). So I was pretty happy. Unfortunately with a different leader comes a different way of doing things, and I didn't get a 10 pound ribbon, only a second 5 pound star. I guess I am supposed to be putting the 5 pound starts on my 10 pound ribbon to see my totals...guess it makes sense? So now I am 36 pounds down. I can't believe it, I am feeling great!

July 15, 2005


Do you ever get nervous about something that really shouldn't make you nervous? I have to give a presentation for work tomorrow (that is right Saturday) at 8:00 in the am to a group of high school students. These are not your regular high school students though, these are very bright students that are attending a summer long camp at a Nuclear Research company, and I have to talk to them about the organization that I work for. Doesn't sound like such a hard thing to do, but I have only worked here for a year, and there are still lots of things I don't know... and I am worried about the questions that they might ask me.

I have a standard presentation that is given at these types of things from work, and I have been practising all week...yet I still can't shake the nerves. I also have a killer outfit to wear, which may sound silly...but it will boost my confidence a bit (I guess if I think I LOOK professional then I feel a bit more professional). I have never been a huge fan of public speaking, yet at work this will be the third presentation I have given to an outside group...so I should be getting used to it right?? Here is hoping ;)

July 14, 2005

Holy Thunder Batman

So yesterday was the most ridiculous thunder and lightening storms I have ever seen in my life...it was amazing to watch, I was very intrigued. The storms (there were many going on at once) lasted atleast 3 hours and made me have to cancel plans to see a movie when the theatre got shut down. I figured why pay for a movie anyway when you can look at the sky for free. The beauty of nature! We wanted to take pictures, but no one wanted to leave to get the camera since it looked so awesome...not a minute passed without lightening...It was spectacular!

July 12, 2005

Great Day - Reason #2 (The BIG one)

So after the run I showered and went to work. Worked for the mandatory 7.5 and then headed back to the gym for pump class. I was sooooo tired, but I made it through and it felt really good.

Then I was walking through the mall to get to my bus stop and I see this HUGE sale at a store I LOVE but reminded myself that I can't fit into their clothes.

Let’s rewind for a second. For about the last 3 years I have not been able to buy any clothing at a store that doesn't sell "Plus" sized clothing. I absolutely HATE shopping for clothing and when I absolutely had to do it (usually cause the clothes I had were getting too tight) I got so depressed and sad and would literally cry in the changing room because I realized I had to go up another size....or because the clothes that I loved just wouldn't fit and I couldn't find anything that did. It didn't help that there was a HUGE mirror that I could look in and see how bad I actually looked. It actually got to a point where I didn't even care what the clothes looked like; if they fit I bought them. My fiancĂ© or my mom would usually be the one with me when shopping (hardly ever my friends, I was too embarrassed to get them to go to a plus sized store) and I know it killed them to see me so upset when I came out empty handed, or with nothing I really liked again and again...jeans were the HARDEST thing to find!

I would get really upset when I would go out shopping with my friends because they could see something they liked and buy it...no worries if it would fit, they ALWAYS had their sizes. Their biggest dilemma was seeing TOO MANY clothes they liked and having to decide what they could buy. And sometimes getting mad cause they had to buy a6 or an 8, and complaining about how they didn't realize they were that fat (for those of you reading that I ever shopped with, this is why I was always a cranky shopper)

When I started on this journey a few months ago I knew that the biggest marker of success for me was going to be able to go into ANY store I wanted to, see and outfit I liked, and KNOW that it would be available in my size. I wanted to be a normal 25 year old girl that loved shopping not loathed it.

So now back to yesterday. I saw the sale and was hit with the pain of wishing so bad that I could just browse through and pick up a few things at this sale. Then I started to think, well maybe now some things in there will fit...but do I dare try. If I do go in and try on a dress and it doesn't fit it would crush me I would be upset for at least the rest of the day, if not longer, and I would feel like all my hard work isn't paying off. I was a size 20(XXL, or XXXL at some stores) so to think that a 14-16, or an XL would fit now is probably way too optimistic.

Then I said, yes, but you can try it on and see how far away you are from fitting into normal size clothes right? You might be surprised. So I walked over to the rack I was eyeing from the escalator and looked at some of the sale items. They were so pretty. I picked up an XL and walked slowly to the changing room, having second, and third, and fourth thoughts the whole way over...but then I walked in.

Thought process while trying on the dress....

- Okay so don't look in the mirror you will just get discouraged
- okay clothes off...wait is the door locked, yup okay...clothes off
- why are you doing this you are just going to go home sad cause you know it won't fit
- but you will see how close you are, just try it
- okay untie, unzip really hot dress....
- how the heck do you work this thing...oh okay, here we go
- okay dress on now for the zipper
- holding breath...zipping...omigosh...
- omigosh, omigosh, omigosh it fits!! it fits!! IT FITS!!!!!
- okay now you have to look in the mirror to see if it actually looks okay
- okay slowly turning...
- standing in front of mirror
- open your eyes moron!
- Wow, is that me?? The dress actually fits and looks pretty decent if I may say so myself
- having mini crying spell...but happy instead of sad as usual
- walk straight to the register with red eyes looking like a knob and get ready to buy
- realize I didn't even check the price tag
- realize I don't really care how much it costs, cause IT FITS!!!!!!!!

I don't even think that words can almost describe the UNBELIEVABLE happiness I felt when that dress fit. I am sure that not everything in the store would fit, and that I still can't walk into ANY store I want to and have something fit, but it validated my success so far. WOW does it feel good!

Great Day - Reason #1

I had a FABULOUS day yesterday...seriously.

So I started by getting up at 5:15am....should be illegal, but I did it anyway. I had to bus for 30 minutes to join a friend of mine at a learn to run clinic that started yesterday morning. Got there, realized how much smaller EVERY other girl that was doing this learn to run clinic was and was a bit scared, and nervous that I may not be able to keep up with these gals...really wanted to back out...but I had already paid and there was no getting you money back...guess I was stuck.

So the trainer goes over good running posture with us and we head out for a quick walk to the trail we will be running on. She takes us through some AMAZING stretches and lets us know that we will be starting the program today with a 4 minute run, 1 minute walk cycle. I realize that I have done this before...but at my pace, what is my pace compared to the pace of these other girls. So we buddy up and start the run...4 minutes flies by, actually the whole hour flew by and before I knew it we were done and I was still alive :) Actually I found the pace a bit slow and noticed I wasn't huffing and puffing near as much as some of the smaller girls. This is when I realized that just because someone is smaller than me they are not necessarily in better shape...I can't wait for tomorrow's class (too bad it means getting up at 5:15 again).

July 07, 2005

One more week down

Last week I missed my weightloss update post since I was in the middle of moving. I was down 2 pounds which put me at 32.5 for a total. Pretty good stuff. Then I had my parents come to visit and I had no groceries for a few days (due to moving in) and made some pretty bad food choices while eating out and well...this week I was up a pound. But it was only a pound, and that really isn't too bad I think, seeing as I didn't follow one aspect of the plan, or step foot in a gym for almost a week. So not to shabby.

I am now going to a new gym...still Goodlife, just a different location. My new place conviently has a goodlife about 20 minutes walk away. It is an all women's version of the gym, which is different but still fun. The classes are not quite as intense in energy, but I still enjoy them. I will still be going to the other gym 2 times a week or so since I LOVE their instructors and they are close to work.

I also made a commitment with a girl at work to join a running program at the gym. It will have me running 10K in 8 weeks. I am pretty excited about that. Then we will be actually running in a 10K charity event some time in the fall. I would love to be able to do a half marathon, and eventually a full marathon in the near future...baby steps. I decided atht when I am capable of doing a full marathon it will be in Saint John...the marathon by the sea. I could do the one here in Ottawa...it is a huge event here...but I would have more people to cheer me on at home...and I think I would need that....baby steps carolyn....baby steps.

I am back on track with my meals and the gym since my life has regained a bit of its order. Hopefully we will see some results this week at weigh in. I really want to reach my goal of 44 pounds down by the end of August...to just be in the 100's is all I am asking ;)

Gym time....Pump today....best instructor ever! I am excited...toodles all.

All Moved In

I am all moved in to the new place!! Woohoo!! I will post some pictures when I get home so you can check it out...definately a step up from the place I was in...although I do miss being only steps away from parliament hill...but I do not miss the sirens, the heat-sucking-up-and-re-emitting-at-night concrete that looks horrible, drunk people dropping beer bottles off of their balconies trying to hit people and being crammed in like a sardine. So I'd say that the good outweighs the bad in this instance.

Everything I owned that completely filled my other place all fit into 1 room in the new place...1 room....seriously! And the best part, it os only 35 dollars more a month...to clarify I went from a teeny tiny 1 bedroom with only 2 windows apartment on the 10th floor of a 28 floor high rise to a 3 bedroom, 3 storey townhouse with my own yard (fit for bbq's) and HUGE windows in every room (some have 2) and lots of room for entertaining guests...dinner parties here I come!