wow..I really thought that I had posted since the last post...but I guess not.The run went great...I ran the whole thing...and was able to shave about 4 minutes off of my personal best time (although the time is not a big deal for me, as long as I can run teh distance I am happy). I am starting training for a 10K distance wednesday, and I am very excited.
Last weigh in I was down 3 pounds. Sounds great, but with the gains a few weeks ago, I am just back to where I was a while back...but I am back there, so that is good.
Have had company for the last little while, and we are having a blast! We are on our way to a Sens Leafs game in a few minutes, and we spent the day having fun and taking pictures with Josh on Saturday. Yesterday I made my first ever turkey dinner! So Yummy!!! Complete with apple Pie (I so rock).