It has been a long time....crazy!
Things on the weight front are holding steady. It is like my body knows how bad I want to be below 200, so it teases me by hovering by 1 or 2 pounds from week to week. I have a good feeling that the upcoming move will give me the shift in my routine I need to shake things up a abit and get those last 50-60 pounds off of my a$$. I was getting a bit discourages at one point, but I need to look at it over all...I have lost 43 pounds, which is no small feat. I am totally proud about that and I am loving the way I am looking. Clothes that haven't fit in a few years are fitting great, too bad they are things like button fly jeans that are not quite "in" any more.
Another positive note, Josh is also reaping some serious benefits of my cooking healthier along with his Karate. The bugger has lost
somewhere between 40 and 50 pounds...I am so proud of him. He is looking even more fabulous than he was a while ago. I am so excited at how great we are going to look when we get married in a little over a year. Maybe that dream dress will be mine after all!!

On another, exiting note...I am moving yet again. This time I am leaving Ottawa and going to a fairly rural area of Ontario, the town is Kincardine. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen! For those of you who don't know where that is (which is probably EVERYONE), the map below shows where it is in relation to Toronto...about 2 hours North West, where most people in Toronto refer to as Cottage Country.
Not the most fabulous place to visit in the winter, but come summer the beaches along Lake Huron are amazing, and there is an open invite to any of you who'd like to come visit at ANY time!!! An interesting fact for you...I will be about 30 minutes from the longest fresh water beach in North America...Sauble Beach. There will be no dull moments!