May 30, 2005


Haven't been around much these past few days. Had a lot of work to get done, was away for work actually so had no computer access.

Was doing badly the past few weeks, but I am back in control. Realized on the long weekend that weekends are my main downfall, and that I need to smarten up or else. This past weekend Josh and I did quite well. We still went out for dinner, as is our weekend tradition..but we went to a place that had healthier options than usual. I order a chicken breast and steamed veggies, so I was right on plan. We did plit a small piece of cheesecake...but it was nothing compared to my usual weekend binge.

I also started planning my dinners for the week, and used the recipes to limit my groceries...only what I needed (to avoid any temptation) We will see how that goes.

Weigh in last week was a bummer, no loss (but also no gain). I feel lik eI am more in control now that I was for the past few weeks, and I am hoping to see that at the scales this week (fingers crossed).

Time for my lunch time walk.


Thérèse said...

D'you know, the biggest problem people have with things like this, whether it is weight loss or committing to vegetarianism, or committing to getting up at 7am (cough), is not that they can't do it? The biggest obstacle isn't the weight. It is giving in to discouragement, and letting one day slow you down or stop you.

A couple of lents ago, I went all out. I gave up meat and I gave up dairy (fasting only for the duration of lent). It was a spiritual experience, and I chose to do the thing that would be the most difficult. The absolute, most difficult thing, ever. I gave up liquor, I gave up chocolate, I gave up cheese, I gave up ice cream, I gave it all up. For only 40 days, but still, I gave it all up.

I'm sure you know how difficult it would be, especially for me who has never been one to watch what I eat at all and always eat what is I feel like eating, to give up all of my favourite foods. Truth is, twice, I caved. Once, by accident, and once because I fell off the wagon, so to speak.

I learned a few important things. First, I learned that with God all things are possible. (This was lent, please don't be surprised that it has to do with God.) Second, I learned that I can do anything I set my mind to. Third, I learned what it means to go hungry. Fourth, I learned that slipping once or twice does not affect you in the long run, and doesn't mean that you give up on the whole thing. It is part of the learning experience. Fifth, I learned that sometimes, you don't like what you're doing, but if you keep your goals and your reasons for doing it, you can stay on track.

I promise it will be worth it, Caro. Love you.

Carolyn said...

Thanks is nice to know you can relate to hwat I am talking about...and it is noce to know that going off track is not a huge deal in the long run ;)