March 22, 2006

Missing Blogger

So my new page is lots of fun and it does cool things, but one thing it doesn't allow is comments from anyone who doesn't have an account. And I don't think I like taht avery much, so I am going to check in here once and a while as well.

Things have been going well with the weight loss...have lost for the last 5 weeks...although sometiems pretty small amounts. But hey, a loss is a loss, and I will take it with a smile on ;)

I am also trying to get in the swing of things as far as planning my wedding goes. It is tricky to do from half way across the country, and I am havinga really tough time with the most important decision...Location. I knwo I am having it in teh Saint John area, but I can't figure out where to have the actual wedding. My futuer hubby is not at all keen in getting married in a church for personal reasons, and I respect that...but it really limits my choices. I would LOVE to get married outside, but I just can't handle the stress of weather screwing everything up (May can be rainy, May can be never know)...and well I am stumped. So I am asking all you fellow NBers out there to help me with you have any ideas on a great wedding location? A place that could host both the wedding and reception is all my out of town guests don't have to get crazy lost in crazy SJ. HELP!!!

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