April 16, 2012

Work challenge!

Bring on the work challenge. We are starting a weight loss challenge at work today. I'm hoping this will be the push I need. Weigh in this morning I was at 182 on the work scales...these CANNOT be the same as my home scale...I really hope. Challenge is to whomever loses the biggest percent if weight by then end of 8 weeks. My goal is 20 lbs. Hopefully I'm not too optimistic.

April 10, 2012

The plan!!

Back at it

Just spent some time planning out my next month's workouts. I'm excited ;). I have a 10k run at the end of the month that I am excited to run, and I rejoined the gym and have started back at that again. I'm feeling very positive.

No pop, lots of water, healthy food, minimal treats. This is how i did it before, and I will be able to finish this once and for all!!

Current weight : 176.8
Goal weight: 144
Total to go: 32.8