August 23, 2005

Can't Believe I Didn't Tell You

So I lost three pounds, and reached my 10% last week! WOOHOO!! This means I got a really nice keychain from weight watchers and I have had my eye on it for about a month now....things were slow for a while. So this puts me at a total of 24 pounds lost since I started weigt watchers, and 39.5 pounds in total. That is a lot of know those 18L jugs of water that you put in water coolers, the really ginormous ones....well one of those weight 39.6 pounds. Go ahead, next time you ar ein a grocery store, pick one of those suckers up! That is the extra weight I had previously been carrying around!

Will update tomorrow with today's results ;)

August 18, 2005

Thank Yous

I have been realizing lately just how many people it takes as a support network in order to lose weight...and I have quite a support network. It consists of so many people, some I hardly know, others I have known forever and love with all my heart. So I decided that they deserve some recognition...In the style of my "fat-loss Grammy award winning moment" I'd like to thank,

Michelle, Sara, Bill, June (class instructors from Goodlife) for being kick ass instructors and really knowing how to keep a girl motivated. Special props to Michelle for taking a true interest in my progress and giving me someone I want to impress. I need that to be successful.

Brooke (running trainer) for really knowing how to get a group of non-running girls motivated enough to get up at 5:00 am in the morning to run atleast 6 kilometers...and having the great sense of knowing when and how to push us, as well as when to back away.

Kelly - the girl who asked me to go to the gym with hardly knew me at the time yet was willing to bring me with you to the gym, show me around AND go with me almost every day. Despite the fact that you are in fabulous shape you made me feel like we were at the level...that means more to me then you will ever know! Knowing that you'd be disappointed in me not going gave me the extra push I needed to get my butt in gear. Please hurry up and come back to Ottawa :)

Heather D. and Tineka - the gals who introduced me to weight watchers - Although both with very different goals then me, the two of you more than willingly set me up with the info I needed to get started and the motivation I needed to stay on track in attempting to do weight watchers at home. The great snack ideas and food items that you guys told me about made getting through the cravings much easier and having people that didn't think I was crazy when talking about "2 points" for food made me feel a bit more sane.

Sonia - for asking me to join you in running, not once, not twice but three times. Even after I said no, you asked again and made me question why I was saying no. It was the best decision I have made in a long time!

Sean - my first weight watchers leader - When I decided to first officially join weight watchers (i.e. go to meetings rather than do it on my own)I was very nervous You were the BEST leader a girl could ask for, so motivational and always had the right words to say when the scale was up or down...I always left there feeling like a better person, whether I was heavier or lighter. The new leader just isn't the same. I miss you a lot!

Therese - for understanding without questioning. I love you!

Gilly, Donna, the Australian Gals, random posters - For offering such words of encouragement and knowing what to say to put a smile on my face...despite the fact that you hardly even know me. When someone replies to anything I post on here, it makes me want to post more, and that is what keeps me accountable, and that is what I need!

Melissa - For knowing exactly what I am going through because you are in the exact same place. You are the person I can really relate to, and I know that you feel the same. Being able to share our ideas and recipes while on totally different plans, makes things so much more fun!

Mom and Jody (my sister) - for keeping up to date with my weight loss and giving me the support I didn't really think I'd be able to get from home since I am away...I didn't really know either of you knew how to work a computer! Also for actually being interested in my progress, calling the minute I get home form my meetings to see how it went, and congratulating me with every small step. This means more to me then you will ever know!

Dad - for writing me a small email that said the weight loss was fantastic and that you could really see a difference. You can't possibly know how much that meant to me!

Barb - for having the personality I wish I had when it comes to my body. You carry yourself with such pride and confidence I only wish I had. You can talk to anyone and be comfortable with who you are. I hope someday I can say the same about myself.

My Uncles - you buggers who always are the ones to have something to say when it comes to teasing me about my weight - when you actually commented on the loss I was so shocked, and impressed!

Josh - you are my rock, my beacon, my peace. For saying you are proud of me at 5:00 in the morning when I get up to run. For eating anything I give you and appreciating that I am contributing to a healthier life for both of us, for telling me on the day I felt like I looked horrible that I was looking great and you really were noticing a huge difference, for pushing me to stay motivated, and not letting me buy the tub of ice cream, for making me feel special, for loving me.

To all of you (and I am sure this list is only going to expand as I think of people I may have forgotten) I have times when I think no one understands, and no one cares or even is there for support. Making this list gives me something to look at to see just how many people I have for support! Thank you for being a part of the toughest thing I have ever done in my life.

August 11, 2005

Things that make me happy

Okay, so I am a big copy cat and saw this on a few other people's blogs...but I thought it was a great here goes:

...someone I miss LOTS AND LOTS coming to visit very soon
...knowing that when I get to see that person I will have a fabulous day, no matter what we do
...a co-worker I hardly know commenting on how I look so healthy, and saying that I am just glowing compared to a few months ago
...dreading going home all day knowing the dishes and laundry need to be done and arriving home to find out your fabulous fiance has taken the evening off to get it done before you got home
...getting a window seat on the bus
...going to a class at the gym
...completing a run with my running group
...cuddling up with my fiance and my kitten to watch a great movie
...going back to NB for a visit
...being the maid of honour in my best friend's wedding, and getting to look really glamourous

August 04, 2005

Looking Hot

Today I am wearing the dress that I talked about in an earlier post. Just wanted to say that I am looking feels so great to be able to wear something that is so flattering for a change!


Its true...I was up by 1.5 stinking pounds this week...but I can feel that I have lost that already. You see I kind of decided I wanted to have a splurge all you can eat anything you want weekend. And I REALLY enjoyed eating ANYTHING I wanted was a long weekend and I need to do this once and a while to get in some goodies (I mean pizza, ice-cream, chocolate, licorice, nuts, you name it I ate it!). Oh and I did nothing as far as working out on Sunday or Monday.

And this was the consequence. The BEST part is that I know how to get back on track after having a pig out fest like that and that I still fell great (although I was a bit down on Weight In day, I did bring it on myself).

So I dusted the dirt off, pulled my socks up and I am back in the game. No more pig out fests for me...

August 03, 2005

What do you think?

You Are From the Sun

Of all your friends, you're the shining star.
You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.
You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.
Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.
Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!