November 25, 2009

New Mantra

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there. I need to remember this.

It has been an exceptionally tough few months for me. I thankfully haven't had anything seriously bad happen to me, but I am struggling, as usual, with me. Side effect of the self doubt and self results on the weight loss path. I think I have just started to realize that if I keep this negative, pessimistic attitude towards life in general (which anyone who knows me knows is no who I am at all...bit it has been that way lately) then I am not going to see positive changes in my life.

I read the quote I opened this post with, earlier today. I need to get out of the water before I drown. I have come up for air once or twice recently, but I end up face first again with in a day or two. I need to stop letting other people dictate what kind of mood I am going to be in. I need to get back to me! Today is the first day of the swim towards shore.

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