June 07, 2011

Ahhhh....great day

Today was all about distracting myself...and i think I managed ok.  I started volunteering a few weeks ago, so I had that this morning, then I went for a visit to a good friend's place for lunch and a 2 hour walk :)  Ally and I then went to visit Papa (my dad) and she seemed to make his day. I love it when she makes other people smile as much as she makes me smile.  Ally fell asleep shortly after that and then I finished waterproofing the back deck, front stairs, and the ramp to the shed. It was a great day as far as getting some things accomplished.

I also joined weight watchers online to get myself back into tracking and I actually tracked all day yesterday and today.  This felt great.

Also...after a year (almost EXACTLY to the date) of chaos, it seems my life is starting to come back together...I have learned more about patience, love, and understanding over this past year than I have during teh rest of my life. I just hope hope hope that is all works out the way I want it too...and it looks like it will :)

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